Mustafa Gamal
I grew up in a household where fixing things ourselves was a norm. Having tools, from screwdrivers to various electrical equipment, readily available and knowing how to use them created opportunities for me to develop both my manual and cognitive skills. Abilities like imagination and initiative were fostered. Even my primary hobby, building model airplanes and manufacturing in general, enhanced and refined these skills.
My engineering studies further solidified these skills with knowledge and specialization. It elevated my abilities to another level, making manufacturing a way of life. Whenever I encounter a problem, I always try to find innovative solutions. This can always be traced back to my experiences in manufacturing and the constant attempts to create.
My Journey
My passion for tinkering began in childhood, fixing things with my dad. I later discovered model airplanes, which combined various skills and became my focus. As part of a group teaching others about science and model building, I realized the power of models in fostering teamwork. This led me to explore innovative solutions to real-world problems, even in my engineering career. My early experiences with problem-solving have shaped my ability to think creatively and find unique solutions.
Our project in a nutshell:
Teaching kids and adults how to build and fly model airplanes through various workshops.
Educating children about engineering principles and their impact on our lives, emphasizing sustainability and environmental protection.
Facilitating team-building activities for companies by providing them with materials to construct a final product. These activities highlight the importance of teamwork and collaboration in achieving shared goals.
Offering workshops for all ages and backgrounds to achieve these objectives.